Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Another Gay "Hero"

Now, the latest from the idol of the gay left, the man who HRC has publicly fawned over and declared "courageous", and a card-carrying proud gay Democrat and leftist.
The estranged wife of former New Jersey governor James E. McGreevey knew he was gay before they married, he claimed in court papers filed Monday.

McGreevey wrote that Dina Matos McGreevey "knew of my sexual orientation before our marriage[;] she chose to either ignore it or block it out of her mind, even when questioned by her friends."

The former governor does not detail how she knew he was gay but objects to his wife's contention in recent court papers that he is bisexual.

"On the offhand chance she wasn't paying attention, I AM A GAY AMERICAN," he wrote, referencing the term he used to describe himself when he announced his resignation as governor in August 2004. "She is in deep denial."

Or she's simply thinking about the fact that the baby she carried around for nine months didn't get there as a result of playing Parcheesi.

Thanks once again to HRC, NGLTF, and the other gay organizations who were so eager to lick this man's balls and hold him up as a fine example of an "honest and straightforward" gay person.

(h/t GayOrbit)

UPDATE: And, if that were even possible, it gets better. MUCH better.

Is the point there the same as hiring a burglar to do security systems?

(h/t GayPatriot)

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