Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Expect Bad Grades When the Teacher Hates You

To no one's surprise, Amnesty International's report released today exhibited the organization's usual commitment to fair and objective analysis.
While Amnesty International has highlighted rights issues that have erupted since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States, little of the 337-page report dealt with the terrorist threat itself or attacks linked to the al-Qaida terror network.

I particularly like the response of the US State Department.
In Washington, Deputy State Department spokesman Tom Casey said the report reads more like a political document than an honest review of human rights around the world.

"It's pretty clear that Amnesty International thought that we'd make a convenient ideological punching bag," he said.

Most Americans have figured out by now (thankfully) what Israel knew years ago; trying to ingratiate yourself with organizations that would love more than anything else to see you fail is an instant recipe for self-destruction.

But I doubt that will stop Congressional Democrats from shrieking about this report as a means of slipping tongue to their European allies, who could use it; their countrymen are starting to forget that the United States is the primary threat, rather than their sclerotic and dysfunctional economies.

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