Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Shop Early and Often

My previous record for overscheduling on Valentine's Day was four dates (breakfast, lunch, supper, and overnight).

As it stands, this Thursday, I stand to equal that -- only they now are regular work, interview for different position, meet with executives to defend bonuses for seven hundred people, and teach my evening HR class.

Needless to say, I am moving anything I can either to tomorrow or to Friday, romantic dinner and cuddles with husbear included. But since I am such a giving person, I want to make sure you all get your gifts well in advance.

For the Bear411 voyeur:

To the muse-finder:

Perfect for a trio of cosmopolitan queers:

And just what the doctor ordered for the international sophisticate:

There's something in the bag for the Wonder Twins (or at least the dating one of them):

Let's not forget the blog-free, but ever-patient, commenting Pat:

And for the man who started this whole concept of bloggers "gifting" each other with witty banter and video links:

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all!

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