Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welfare Princesses

Somehow, this isn't the least bit surprising.
San Francisco is expected to suffer a $9.3 million budget hit in the wake of the federal audit that found the city reaped millions of dollars without justification to prosecute border-related crimes, city officials said Friday.

Federal officials released an audit last week that found that the city was not entitled to any of the millions it got over three years under the Southwest Border Prosecution Initiative grant program, which repays local authorities in border states for handling prosecutions on behalf of federal authorities.

U.S. Justice Department auditors said there was no evidence federal prosecutors had referred any criminal cases to San Francisco and that the city had simply estimated how much it deserved.

The pure mendacity and incompetence of the entire scheme is typical of the City's government -- but what idiot Federal apparatchik was approving money for reimbursing border enforcement and prosecution cases to the most vocal and law-flaunting "sanctuary city" in the country?

That's like reimbursing New York City for pigeon purchases.

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