Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 3 -- NDT Goes Farther East, Back Into Childhood, Then Out Again

Day 3 dawned bright and sunny in Denver; at 9:14 AM, I saddled up the black steed for one more time and headed out across the Colorado and western Kansas plains.

Adding to domestic oil production in Russell, Kansas. Hometown boys Bob Dole and Arlen Specter would be proud.

My grandparents' backyard. You can almost smell the roast beef and mashed potatoes cooking.

Final stop: NDT's folks' house, 9:31 PM -- twelve hours, seventeen minutes (although only eight hours and two minutes of actual driving, with the rest being eating, visiting, and eating some more), and 547 miles later.

(and oh yes, I flew back yesterday - with four hours of my life I will never get back again lost in LAX).

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