Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Just How Useless Can HRC and NGLTF Be?

Blog Ally GayPatriotWest of GayPatriot recently posted a bit of his thoughts concerning the passage of the amendment banning gay marriage in Kansas. In there, he linked to the condemnations both HRC and NGLTF made of the vote -- both of which I found to be delightfully-amusing examples of just how out of touch both organizations are with the world around them.

First, and best, was this lovely statement from NGLTF (emphasis mine):

The marriage amendment failed in the City of Lawrence (home of the University of Kansas) by a large margin, losing in 35 of the City's 49 precincts and tying in 3. The margin by which it carried in Shawnee County (where the state's largest City, Topeka, is located) was smaller than statewide (Shawnee County/Topeka: 67% - 33%).

Actually, NGLTF, Topeka isn't the largest city in Kansas -- Wichita is. Indeed, Topeka isn't even in the top THREE of Kansas cities -- it's ranked FOURTH.

My question: Is this indicative of how much time you actually spent researching Kansas, its people, and its issues before opening your mouths?

Next up was HRC, with this little number:

“The harm done to thousands of Kansas families is incalculable,” said HRC President Joe Solmonese. “As voters come to understand the real consequences of this amendment, we hope they understand how wrong this amendment is.”

My question: Where were you when HRC dropped millions of dollars on supporting John Kerry, who stood just across the river from Kansas in Missouri and said he supported and "would have voted for" THAT state's nearly-identical constitutional amendment banning gay marriage?


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