Monday, July 11, 2005

What in the World IS North Dallas Thirty?

One of the interesting little side discussions that have been taking place here is mine with noted blog contrarian Demesne Lord about whether or not I qualify as a "conservative". His post today attempted to give a paragraph description of what I am as a springboard for discussion -- or more precisely, why I am NOT a "conservative".

You are a pro-sodomy, gay-marriage-supporting, let-gays-in-the-military homosexual rights activist. You think gays should be teaching in the public schools. You think men having sex with other men should be legal. You approve of gay ambassadors, gay cabinet members, gay soldiers, and gay preachers. You don't think homosexuality is a choice, and you don't think it can be changed by prayer and/or therapy. Your flaunt your homosexuality.

Whew, that's a lot! Let's break it down and try to get a little deeper into what exactly it is I do believe for the sake of clarity.

You are a pro-sodomy

Yep -- as long as one defines sodomy as sex between men or, as Wonkette defines it, "buttsex"; I'm definitely not pro-bestiality, although I do kiss my dog on the lips.


Totally from a civil and legal standpoint; I have my doubts about the applicability of religious marriage for gays.


I am in favor of the general idea of this, although how it's to be implemented will be an absolute bitch. You can separate heterosexual males and females, but what do you do with gay men and women? If I were straight, I'd have questions about ogling in the showers (although I consider that an ironic reversal for male chauvinism) if gay men were mixed with straight men -- and putting gay men in the same barracks is like putting together straight men and straight women. Someone has to come up with a good answer before we can really push this as such.

homosexual rights activist

Absolutely! I prefer the term "faggot freedoms facilitator", though (grin)

You think gays should be teaching in the public schools.

Of course. Why should straight people be the only ones who get the fun of teaching children who don't care of parents who don't care for administrators who don't care unless you're flunking the star quarterback?

Seriously, gay isn't contagious, and it's not like we can sneak subliminal messages into things like mathematics. "OK, if it takes Rory ten minutes to woo and ditch a guy and Charlie twelve, if both start at opposite ends of a circuit party of one thousand half-dressed men, at which point on the dance floor will they meet?"

You think men having sex with other men should be legal.

It sure is nice if it is, and that's a function of convincing the voters that it should be.

You approve of gay ambassadors, gay cabinet members, gay soldiers, and gay preachers.

If you'll pardon the expression, damn straight -- indeed, I not only approve of them, I may even have committed "crimes" with some of them under pre-2003 Texas law.

You don't think homosexuality is a choice, and you don't think it can be changed by prayer and/or therapy.

I think whether or not you're attracted to men or women is something with which you're born. Whether or not you act on it (or how you act on it) IS a choice, and I think if you want to be straight bad enough, therapy CAN help you act that way. I don't think that therapy can ever turn off that biological attraction.

I never underestimate the power of prayer to change things, and it's entirely possible that God HAS turned peoples' attractions in a different direction. All I can say positively is that His answer to that whenever I asked was "No, I have other plans for you."

Your flaunt your homosexuality. people who know me will tell you, it ain't in the way I dress, decorate, or talk. However, it IS mentioned whenever it needs to be among my coworkers, my straight friends, professional acquaintances, politicians, entertainers, fellow friends of Dorothy that I spot in airport security lines.......

As I say in my sidebar, I don't fit neatly into any box (and being claustrophobic, don't like being put in them either). I support gay rights, but am emphatically pro-life. I dislike government regulation, but support higher fuel-economy standards for SUVs and trucks. I may approach things from a conservative PERSPECTIVE, but quite often reach conclusions that are neither conservative OR liberal.

If you asked me why I think I'm conservative, the answer would be, "Because you always have to convince me otherwise." After all, remember -- I'm still working off broadcast TV because I watch it exactly a half-hour daily. In order to get me to spend more money or time on it, you have to convince me that I should.

Anyway, the responses to this one will be entertaining......

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