Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Your Daily Dose of Irony

With a hat tip to Ace of GayOrbit for sharing with us the following news:

The city (of Austin) has given permission of the Ku Klux Klan to hold a rally on Saturday, November 5. The group says they want to have a pro-family values rally in front of City Hall that afternoon to get voters to vote against gay marriage....

In an e-mail to the city for permission, a representative for the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan wrote: "Our speech will not be inflammatory, but we all know the reputation of the name of the KKK, so we expect anti-Klan demonstrators to be there who may become violent. We certainly don't want any of our people hurt nor any city officials. We just want to come and encourage people to vote for Christian Family Values and against legalized homosexual marriage in the state of Texas."

Ah, Ministers Farrakhan and Wilson.....who ever knew you and the Klan had so much in common?

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